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"Exploring the Power of Intimacy with Your Energy"

Writer's picture: Tricia GeorgeTricia George

Updated: May 29, 2024

Intimacy with your energy

Everything in the Universe is energy we might be wise to become intimate with it.

Even though the body appears to be material, it is not. In the deeper reality, your body is a field of energy, transformation, and intelligence. Deepak Chopra


We can mold this energy into anything we desire using our intention. That is right using our


intention. We do not have to get any legislation passed, collect votes, or get anyone’s approval.


Some examples of this are a memory, a belief, emotions, or a curse. All these are created with intention and sometimes we create them unconsciously in other words we are not fully present in the moment perceiving what we are thinking.


Most of us don’t have a clue of how we can and do use energy. As far as I know, there are

 no classes on energy or how to use it in grades 1 through 12 in the United States. I remember energy was rarely mentioned except in physics or chemistry class. It was of no deep interest to me then.

 Nicola Tesla said, “Our entire biological system, the brain, and the Earth itself works on the same frequencies.”

This helps us to manifest as like energies attract like energy.

Energy medicine and healing is the way of the future. Now is the time to


understand, appreciate, and use this universal energy as it is here to stay.


Why do I desire to blog about it? Understanding can help you to feel better


spiritually, physically, and mentally.


I have gained some understanding of how we can and do use it as I am an energy healing practitioner and energy is in everything and there is much to learn about it.


Here are some examples of how we can and do use energy.


I went to a Friday night movie with friends feeling peaceful and happy going into the movie. Coming out of the movie I felt restless and had a slight headache. As mentioned earlier I have a working understanding of energy. Muscle testing myself, I checked if one of my movie group friends had dumped their emotional energy on me. We can do this but tend to do it subconsciously most of the time. No one had. After asking myself several more questions I discovered I had left my energy in the movie with the leading man. I

 intended it to return to me and my body. Presto zumo - I felt like myself before the movie. The lesson here is we can leave our energy anywhere. I mean anywhere.


Here’s another example.

I had a client who told me she could not stop thinking of her mother since her passing 6 weeks ago. I tracked her energy and found she had arisen to a higher level of existence with her mother. I saw her mother was lying in a bed and my client was holding her hand.

When I told my client this, she told me she had been holding her mother’s hand every day when she was alive. I clearly perceived her mother didn’t need her to continue holding her hand and her mother was fine. and resting My client stopped holding her mother’s hand and returned to Earth and her own body instantly. The result, she no longer found herself wanting to think of her mother even during the session.

This next example shows us we can travel spiritually anywhere as a result of our intention. The saying …..


“Energy flows where our intention goes.” seems to be true.


Another example of how we can use our energy is by creating a belief. In my 20’s I was living in Manhattan, New York. My boyfriend at the time and I had broken up. Every Friday evening I would go with two of my girlfriends to a very upscale bar on the Upper East side of Manhattan to meet a wonderful man..The men I kept meeting were married or had a girlfriend. I started thinking “All the good men were taken.”

One Friday nite a new girl, one of my girlfriend’s friends, joined us. I was standing in the hallway combing my hair saying “All the good men are taken.”While thinking to myself, “Why do I bother going out to this bar?” She overheard what I had spoken out loud and said, “You better change your thought or you will never meet anyone.”Long story short a few weeks later I dropped that belief….. lo and behold I meant several men not married nor had a girlfriend.


Other ways you can use energy

Getting a parking space.

Create a belief you will find the perfect apartment or house.

Intend you to find the perfect earrings.

Give yourself a headache by going back and forth thinking yes it was a good thing no it was not a good decision on an idea or breakup.

Energy is everywhere learn to use it. The positive outweighs the negative.


Nicola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency & vibration.”

Intimacy with Energy


One other thought to be aware of per Greg Braden, Bruce Lipton & Joe Dispensa


“When you understand someone’s energy, there will never be a need to question their intention.”

Facebook 11/13/22


Energy does not interest most people and why should it? We were rarely if at all


taught the importance of it and how we can use it. It is a wonderful way to keep


people limited and powerless when you consider it. Using energy is an inside job


not anyone else’s.


Energy is everywhere; your intention directs it and brings desires into manifestation.


It is true, but who cares advertising is our go-to place for direction.

Have fun using your energy there is absolutely no scarcity.


Besides you will learn a lot about yourself from the mistakes


you make while gaining mastery of using energy.


The encouraging news is it is an inside job that has nothing to do with advertising or


other people’s successes. Try not to judge yourself and only focus on succeeding.


Use energy to create and support your best good.



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