Energy Healing Works with Norma Zamit

Nancy Randall
Norma is a true gem among healers. Her unwavering commitment to support her client’s growth and well being is stellar. She is amazingly efficient and skillfully covers a lot of ground in a session discovering and releasing hindrances to the radiant flow of energy that is our birthright.
I feel my life has dramatically changed for the better in a couple of sessions with Norma. I am whole heartedly grateful for each time I have worked with her. Her work ethic and integrity are admirable and her kindness, support and education are heartfelt. The joyful results I’ve experienced will keep me, a very appreciative client, happily continuing to work with her when the need arises.
Dr. Gisele Fahrbach
Hello dear
Check this out
Yesterday I woke up somehow like from a deep deep state of sleep with a splitting headache
And I couldn’t get rid of the headache and I was desperate and I felt like shit
Then I was dowsing
Turned out I left 50% of my energy somewhere and then I brought it back of course and boom headache was gone
Thanks to you my dear I learned a lot of practical things that are real lifesavers
So one more time thank you thank you thank you love you love you love you big hugs

Gillean Yates
This last session was a Deusey!! Incredibly opportune and useful. Someone very powerful and an outstanding reader who joins our Tamura phone meditations just told me she had never before seen how beautiful I am. That is, in very great part, thanks to you. The twinkle of excitement about life which had faded has now returned. THANK YOU.
big time.
really emotional and overwhelmed but in a good way.
i am just vibrating and so grateful for norma
this was insanely on point.
I love you babe

Additional Testimonials
After several sessions with Norma to “release [various levels of] trapped emotions” and reduce my “heart wall” to a reasonable depth, I feel that a great weight has been lifted from my heart and soul,. I am especially grateful for her help in clearing the long-term effects of sustained criticism from my mother and the constant self-abnegation “tapes” that resulted from that nuclear emotional reactivity. i am grateful that Norma was able to use the process to help me “clean house” and begin to “live free and unfettered” from those lifelong debilitating patterns of thought and behavior.
Amallia lee
I have done several sessions with Norma Zamit and I am thrilled with the results. We have cleared emotions from the heart wall around my heart which was extremely freeing, and several other sessions, where I felt great releases and freedom. The last one we did, we worked on my self judgment. I began doing the process that Norma recommended that I do, and had a phenomenal insight about how harsh and mean I have been to myself. I felt so much more kind and gentle toward myself and the stress and tension in my body from the aggressive attitude I had is gone.
Thank you, Norma. You are a magnificent friend, healer and anchor for me in my life. I feel so supported by you. I’ve gone to others for healing sessions, but Norma has made the most marked difference in the changes that I’ve desired.
So to continue feedback……After our session I was busy with the things we have in life to busy us. I noticed my neck feeling better little by little. I was not noticing much of anything when…….Women started to stop me on the street for friendly conversation. The women at work were more chatty and friendly. Just now I was sitting outside by the sidewalk and a very nice women stopped and we talked for a half hour and we both drank nice cool water…..I’ve sat in this spot almost every day for 7 years. No one has ever stopped to chat…. Wild………The work we did to clear negative energy pertaining to females in my lives has seemed to have been cleared enough to let these women feel safe/comfortable/at ease to be near me and converse!
Nice work!!!!